在 Windows PC 上組織磁碟


  • 調整大小或移動分割區:允許您動態調整現有分割區的大小,以便您可以縮小或擴展分割區以根據需要重新分配空間,或將分割區移至磁碟上的不同位置。
  • 建立或刪除分割區:從硬碟上未分配的空間建立新分割區,並刪除現有分割區以回收它們所佔用的空間。
  • 合併或分割分割區:將兩個相鄰分割區合併為一個較大的分割區,或將一個分割區分割為多個分割區。


  • 轉換檔案系統:在主開機記錄 (MBR) 和 GUID 分割區表 (GPT) 分割區方案之間無縫轉換硬碟機。
  • 複製磁碟/分割區:將磁碟或單一分割區的全部內容複製到另一個磁碟或分割區,這對於備份和升級到更大的磁碟機很有用。
保護 Windows 硬碟和數據


  • 分割區復原:使用旨在快速復原資料的內建復原工具來復原遺失或刪除的分割區。
  • 安全操作:每項功能的設計都考慮到資料安全,確保您的關鍵資訊在整個過程中保持完整。

Detailed Features

back up disks Disk Backup
Back up an entire disk or partition at once, so you don't need to choose individual folders one by one, saving you time undoubtedly.
format partitions Partition Formatting
When your disk malfunctions on your PC, you can format it to erase all the data on the partition. Then reuse the partition without errors.
hide partitions Partition Hiding
If you store some sensitive or very important data on one partition, you can hide it on your computer. No one can access it when using your PC.
rename partitions Partition Renaming
With simple clicks, you can freely rename a specific partition, and name your drive or partition with the letter or word you like.
wipe partitions completely Partition Wiping
Securely erases all data on a partition, making it unrecoverable, which is helpful for privacy and security purposes before selling a drive.
create bootable media Bootable Media
Create bootable media to run Partition Master outside of an OS, which is helpful for performing disk operations on systems that you won't boot.
migrate os OS Migration
Simplify the process of moving an OS from one disk to another, and handle the complexities of transferring system files & configurations.
change disks Disk Conversion
Breezily change a basic disk to a dynamic disk or vice versa, which will not affect your existing volumes and partitions, so you won't lose data.
remove useless files from disks Disk Cleanup
Efficiently remove junk files and other useless data from various partitions and disks, so you can free up more storage space on your PC.


在您的 PC 上下載並安裝此 Windows 分割區管理器軟體,然後啟動它。